
I guess that this is where I am supposed to write about me…
As most of my blog posts are about what I do or what I find interesting,
this may offer some boring background detail.

If you don’t know me by my Amateur Radio callsign – WB5RMG, you may not know me at all – as I have had this license from the FCC since 1976 and ham radio is a very significant part of my life. I typically credit my brother (David) with sparking my interest in electronics well before I was a teenager. My first ‘real job’ was in 1969 – fixing car radios, tape players & portable TVs. My entry into customer service was when I got my driving license – they put me in a van performing ‘house calls’ to repair TV/HiFi/intercom/whatever. My professional career path thru the world of computer networks and RF communication has great synergy with the innovative and experimental work of ham radio.
In a nutshell, here is an updated bio posted on Twitter many years ago:

AMSAT, APRS, ARES, ARRL, Cisco, Dad, DEC, Digital, EmComm, Gluten Free, Holistic, IA, IT, Kundalini, Lactose Free, LinkedIn, Linux, NASA, Organic, RedHat, Satellites, SomeNet, TV, WireShark, WordPress, WWW, ZFx

Alan has a 'day job' as well

Alan had a ‘day job’ as well (before retirement).

For the last ten years of my professional life, I was employed by COLSA Corporation as a Network Systems Analyst for NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center. To find a thorough review of my professional undertakings, you can visit my Linked-In profile : http://www.linkedin.com/in/alansieg

Thanks for stopping by, and do come back and add your comments to my various ‘RadioActive ‘ postings.

73 for now . . . /;^)