Tag Archives: facebook

The day Facebook went down.

Nobody knew what to do.
I’m sure millions of people had nothing to do for a while.
Someday they will look back and say “I remember exactly where I was . . .”
Some folks sent email, others woke up their blog, or a MySpace page.
Some engineers at Facebook had their hands full.
The engineers at Cloudflare keep some interesting logs of internet traffic, and generated this blog posting – for those of us who were interested in the detail.

Understanding How Facebook Disappeared from the Internet

So, life goes on – and I am learning how much the WP editor has changed over the last year or so. I plan to be back here posting a bit more regularly, soon – as they say. /;^)

Swan Creek

This was originally posted to Facebook, knowing that more of Shelby’s friends and relatives would find it there before they would find it on my blog.

So proud of Shelby, she has recently been demonstrating so much maturity and responsibility… if I coulda been half of who she is gonna be……. /;^) You Go Girl.

We spent some time this afternoon at the Swan Creek shooting range, brushing up on firearm and range safety. Had some lunch too.. She has a good eye, and a steady hand. Little girlz’a growin up. Makes a Daddy proud, to see her so confident .!. /;^) — with Shelby Anne Sieg.

We appreciate all the FB friends that have LIKEd and COMMENTd on the post.
Thanks  /;^)

FB – Visited Cities map

I typically don’t partake in the variety of Applications available on Facebook, primarily because they all want access to not only your profile, but the profiles of ALL your Friends… but that is another story. But this one caught my eye as I’ve always had a thing for maps. One of my FB Friends had a map showing all the cities he has visited – and I thought that would be a fun exercise, as I have covered a lot of territory in my 50+ years. The interface is simple, and before I knew it – 4 hours had passed and my new map was showing over 600 cities.

map of Visited Cities

FaceBook App for Visited Cities

This was actually quite the adventure, almost traveling back in time to places I’ve been over the decades. Certainly invokes a flood of memories. I’ve probably got some more detail I can add, but there is no hurry. I can go back at any time and browse around on the map and it offers cities that I can click to add. Looks like there are still a few states that I have not been to – but hopefully I’ve got a few years left to hit those. I choose to NOT indicate that I’m offering advice to travelers, and hope that the sponsor of this App doesn’t spam me with requests for more information. I’ll probably turn it off it it does.