Category Archives: Blogroll

Teaching an old dog

Things change so quickly, especially at my age.
Once upon a time I had good control over how the blog thing here was working.

current workspace in my ‘lab’

Years go by, and things change. I have spent several days re-figuring-out the WordPress editors and how they deal with old legacy widgets, and theme options. Kinda like going back to work…

That being said, I have changed (more than) a few things around, trying to preserve as much of the previous functionality as possible. I’m still hoping to be able to continue to use the “blogroll” widget, even tho they discourage sharing links of our friend’s pages… (reduces your ‘ranking’ in Gooooogle searches).

There is still some old stuff on here to be cleaned out, but this is a great start towards rejuvenation.
Feedback greatly appreciated, subscribe if you are even slightly interested.
Promise to not blow up your INBOX.

Straight To Ale

Folks used to tell me that if I didn’t change my ways,
I’d go straight to ale.
I may have finally figured out what they meant…


Some seriously good tasting IPA.

You would think I would have found this before now,
but this is currently my favorite local beer.
Get Some, Try It. WoW .!.

Thanks  /;^)

What?_Another blog?_

Almost as though I had too much stuff for just one blog . . .


NetSysHax blog with Wireshark header image

NetSysHax is a blog that was established to offer technical stories and solutions that seem relevant. Alex & I work together during our day jobs, but we both like to offer consulting services when those opportunities arrive. We like to share technical insight and solutions, especially when most problems only need the right tools to become a success story.
Self Promotion needs to be a success story too.

I need to post more stuff on the NetSysHax blog, as well as on this one, my RadioActive site. So bear with me as I work on both in parallel (with appropriate cross-links).
Thanks.. Please visit often for new stuff
(or – you can subscribe, and receive email notification of new posts…)

HI Juno

This looks like a good time about to happen
The activity will begin at 18:00 UTC on October 9, 2013
and continue until 20:40 UTC using 28.2 MHz +/-_x_ (see their web site)

HI Juno

This should be fun.